
Nirnayam songs
Nirnayam songs

nirnayam songs

I surrender unto nammAzhwAr who is the son of kAri and who showed me the divine form of bhavishyadhAchAryan in my dream of his unlimited grace.Īlso, periyavAchAn piLLai tells that this was kept as top secret and was revealed through OrAN vazhi only to the most confidential disciples. SaNdharchayAmAsa mahAnubhAvam tham kArisUNum charanNam prapadhyE YassvAbhAva kAlE karunNAkarassaN bhavishyadhAchchAryaparasvarUpam periyavAchAn piLLai often mentions that "At that time nAthamunigaL compiles and recites the following slOkam out of upakAra smruthi towards AzhwAr." You worship this vigraham like you worship myself" and gives him a farewell to kAttu mannAr kOil.

nirnayam songs

This person will appear in the same month as when srI rAman's pattAbhishEkam was due (chithirai) and like gIthai (which contains 18 adhyAyams) revealed emperumAn's upAyathvam, this person will appear on the 18th nakshathram (thiruvAdhirai) from my own (visAkam). In your family, we are going to see one person who will meet this bhavishyadhAchAryan directly. He also says "Since I am the origin for this bhavishyadhAchAryan, he will also be my lotus feet, he will fulfill all my desires. He tells nAthamunigaL, "just like iLaya perumAL (lakshmaNan) is considered as the right hand of perumAL (srI rAman), think about this bhavishyadhAchAryan as my part (lotus feet)". Once the vigraham is built, AzhwAr installs divine powers in that vigraham, invites nAthamunigaL and presents him that vigraham. The sculptor arrives there the next morning and without break spends time at constructing this thirumEni (as seen in the dream).

#Nirnayam songs how to

NAthamunigaL subsequently asks AzhwAr how to constantly worship this bhavishyadhAchAryan (future AchAryan) form? AzhwAr appears in the dream of a sculptor as bhavishyadhAchAryan and orders him to make a vigraham (uthsava mUrthy) sitting under the divine tamarind tree. AzhwAr replies to him saying "that is no surprise, as the whole world is going to be attracted towards udayavar". Suddenly nAthamunigaL wakes up from his sleep and immediately prostrates in front of AzhwAr and tells him that AzhwAr's presentation as udayavar is more attractive than AzhwAr's svayam (original) thirumEni (form). He has beautiful face which indicates the flowing mercy, a beautiful smile and red eyes (showing vAthsalyam - motherly forbearance) and tells nAthamunigaL that this is how udayavar will look like and all members of this prapanna kulam will benefit by their connection to udayavar. In the night, AzhwAr appears in nAthamunigaL's dream with kAshAyam, thridhaNdam, dvAdhasa Urdhva puNdrams, beautiful long hands, very beautiful glowing thirumEni, etc. Please demonstrate the physical beauty of that great personality". Wanting to know more, he adds music to "pa yananRAgilum" (பயனன்றாகிலும்) pAsuram from kaNNinuN chiruthAmbu (10) and sings the same in front of AzhwAr, pleasing him very much and asks him "Since you are sarvagyar you will know everything. Hearing this nAthamunigaL becomes ecstatic. The whole world is going to be uplifted by him" to nAthamunigaL. AzhwAr further says "A great personality is going to appear in this prapanna kulam. When NammAzhwAr, out of his kAruNyam, was teaching thiruvAimozhi to nAthamunigaL (nAthamunigaL recited kaNNinuN chiruthAmbu 12000 times at once and pleased NammAzhwAr who taught him aruLicheyal and all the meanings along with ashtAnga yOgam), during 5.2.1 - " poliga poliga" (பொலிக பொலிக) meaning glories! glories!, since AzhwAr was thrikAlagya (one who knows past, present and future) based on emperumAn's mercy, he reveals the divine avathAram of udayavar to nAthamunigaL and says "kaliyum kedum kanNdu konNmin" (கலியும் கெடும் கண்டு கொண்மின்) meaning kali will be destroyed.

Nirnayam songs