
Kolin street fighter iii
Kolin street fighter iii

kolin street fighter iii

She carries a copy of the Book of Miraha, the Secret Society's holy book, and reads from it for strength when she is disheartened. Kolin is deeply religious, devoted to Gill and the teachings of the Secret Society. If Kolin is involved in a fight, she let's her true personality show by belittling her opponents and usually identifying them as inferior to her. Despite loathing her adversaries she was opened to admit that Bison was a thorn in her organization as much as he was a problem to Nash and Ryu, she used Nash for her own personal gain. In Street Fighter V, she is depicted as a conniving schemer who seems to alternate between two personalities: a false, kind one, with which she acts as a nursemaid to Charlie Nash and a helper to heroes, and her true self: zealous, ruthless, cruel, and vindictive, seen when she throws Nash's unavoidable return to the grave in his face.

kolin street fighter iii

When she interacts with other characters, she is a bit standoffish. In Street Fighter III, Kolin appears primarily in the role of dutiful assistant to Gill. Her usually bare legs are covered by black tights. She retains her ushanka hat, but further accessorizes the look with a pair of mittens and a yellow scarf that covers her mouth. Her Story costume is a grey military-style jacket with black accents that ends in a miniskirt with yellow trim. Her hair is tied in a ponytail and she wears black tactical goggles with red lenses pushed up on her head lastly, she wears a short knife holster around her left ankle. Her premium Battle costume consists of a dark grey wetsuit showing her bare-muscular legs, over which she wears a grey thermal short vest and various accessories including a gun strapped in a holster across her right thigh. Thigh high black stockings and fur boots replace the stiletto heels of her secretary outfit.

kolin street fighter iii

This complements her black Afghanka-style military jacket, which ends in a miniskirt. In Street Fighter V, she wears her hair loose in a longer style, under a black ushanka hat with a four-pointed star decoration at the center. This outfit returns as her 'Nostalgia' labeled costume in Street Fighter V. Kolin wears a finely-tailored black ladies' suit with matching skirt, and walks in high heels. In her first appearance in Street Fighter III, she is distinguished by her asymmetrical updo hairstyle. Kolin is an attractive woman of apparent Eastern European descent with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Kolin street fighter iii